Join HAN

HAN is an inclusive platform for local artists and makers of all levels to share knowledge and experience and to promote interest, participation and collaboration in the arts for all

Benefits of membership

    • Free or discounted networking meetings, free tea and coffee (where possible)
    • Discounted exhibitor fees and first refusal
    • No card fees on sales when taking payment using HAN card machine (absorbed by HAN) at HAN exhibitions.
    • Artist’s page on HAN website
    • Can add own art/craft related events onto HAN website calendar.
    • HAN website training.
    • Events  – free or discounted workshops, demonstrations, outings and talks
    • More benefits in pipeline – attend meetings to find out more.

Membership is per individual and is just £12 per calendar year, Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December.

Download a PDF of the Membership form to print off at home, fill in, scan and email back to HAN

OR complete the Membership form online via Google forms. Choose from New Members form or, for annual renewals, use the shorter Renewal form.

The HAN Committee

 HAN Committee Positions



The Chair is the first point of contact for the network. They present an annual report to be read out at the AGM. The Chair does NOT have to chair meetings – this job can be delegated at each meeting.  They request approval of minutes and, in retrospect, any agreements made in-between meetings. The Chair signs the approved minutes.  The Chair has a casting vote when necessary.  


Deputy Chair:

as above in the absence of the Chair and supports the Chair to carry out their duties.  



The Secretary keeps a file of all documents relating to the network, be they in digital or printed format. The Secretary does NOT have to take Minutes at meetings – this job can be delegated at each meeting and the minutes sent to the Secretary. The Secretary must bring/send typed minutes for approval at the next meeting. The Secretary ensures that notification of AGMs or EGMs and invitations for nominations for committee elections are sent out as set out in the Constitution.



The Treasurer maintains HAN accounts and presents an annual financial report at the AGM.  They report to the committee at meetings on the current financial status. They pay invoices and ensure that all expenses are included in the calculation of exhibiting, membership or other fees. The Treasurer sends receipts for payments received. The Treasurer co-ordinates with the Membership Secretary to keep an up-to-date record of all members and annual subscriptions paid.


Membership Secretary:

The Membership Secretary invites existing members to renew their membership during the month of January and encourage lapsed members to re-join.  They co-ordinate with the treasurer to keep an up-to-date record of all members and annual subscriptions paid.


Events Co-ordinator

The Events Co-ordinator oversees the HAN diary of events (which are all being organised by small HAN member groups or individuals) to ensure there is no cross-over of dates. They are the first point of contact for anyone with an idea for a HAN event, they raise ideas with the committee then follow up leads and liaise with the HAN members who will take over the event organisation. It could also, optionally, be the role of the Events Co-ordinator to add events to the HAN online calendar


Publicity Co-ordinator

The Publicity Co-Ordinator advises HAN event organisers how to promote their event through social media, the press, VIP invitations, word of mouth and leaflets etc to ensure a co-ordinated PR campaign for all events and general group publicity. They will hold a list of suggestions, contacts and template Press releases and Invitations.  


Digital Officer:

The Digital Officer will update the HAN website and send out HAN emails via Mailchimp. They will set up a website profile for new members and send them details of how to set up their Artist’s Page. They will liaise with the Events Co-ordinator to make sure all HAN events are listed on the online calendar. Optionally, the digital officer will oversee the use of HAN social media accounts.


Art Trail Co-ordinator (and Art Trail Sub Committee):

The Art Trail Co-ordinator liaises with Hailsham Festival. They liaise with the Digital office to ensure an invitation to participate in the annual Art Trail goes out to the HAN mailing list, is included on the HAN website and on HAN social media. The Art Trail Co-ordinator invites members to form a HAN Art Trail sub-committee to compile a list of all participants and ensure that all relevant information is sent to the designer to create a printed programme. They will liaise with both the Publicity Co-ordinator regarding publicity and with the Digital officer to ensure all Art Trail events are listed on the website. They will ensure the Art Trail Handbook; group PL insurance and any relevant licences are all up to date.


All members:

Be willing to share/ use their skills and knowledge.  Be aware of any necessary legalisation that HAN should comply to.  Be flexible concerning job role by being willing to help others with duties.